A FEnomenal Journey: Follow the Yellow Brick Road

A journey through life, love, and leadership.

So… a few months ago, I took what I considered “A leap of faith”. I resigned from my career as an Educator to pursue my life-long dream of working solely for my non-profit, D.I.V.A.S. Mentoring Program, Inc. I had only been in the field of education for three years, but I knew in my heart, I was not fulfilling my life’s purpose. Because fulfilling your purpose makes you feel complete and energized, but I felt the opposite. I felt empty and drained. I was simply caught in the idea of job security, and most importantly, my direct deposit. Every day it was the same routine, and the same pep talk; my intrinsic motivation was no longer there. And honestly, I felt so empty because I knew my full potential was not being maximized.  

When did I notice things had to change?

In late September of last year, I started asking myself, “why am I here? When is the next break?”. I knew then, that something had to change. My love for teaching had changed because of several factors: School leadership, frequent student testing, outrageous policies, but most importantly, knowing that I wasn’t really helping students learn. I know you may be wondering how is that? But honestly, my students came to me as sixth graders reading on a second-grade level. And anyone in their right mind would think to teach the students at their present level of performance, because clearly several fundamental steps were missed in primary school. Unfortunately, that was not the case, students are expected to learn grade level material despite the fact that they are not on grade level. And I think the worst part is knowing that teachers will continue to promote students to the next grade, despite the student’s very evident deficits. I did not want to have any parts of such a failing system.


So, I began to consider leaving the school system. I was introduced to another teacher who believed and my vision for my organization. She eventually introduced me to her mentor who helped me put things into perspective. That mentor instilled in me the importance of energy and self-preservation, the importance of placing a value on my worth, and the importance of always finding and listening to people that can motivate me to be my best. I was creating an exit strategy, and didn’t even know it. The more I learned, the more strength and wisdom I obtained. By November, I was so fired up with energy, I wanted to quit my job right then and there. But something else happened…

A Fearful Road

Reality set in…who was I kidding? I had three children and a husband. I wasn’t some college student who wanted to chase some long-time dream. I was an adult with a lot of financial responsibilities. Hundreds of questions ran rapidly through my mind as I began to ask myself “How do you expect to make money? What’s your game plan? Who will suffer because of my sacrifice? Am I selfish for wanting to follow my passion?” I was killing my own dream before it even gained enough strength to exist. My biggest mistake was looking at what would be lost, instead of what could be gained. I didn’t know how to be great without putting my finances in great danger.

Needless to say, I went back and forth with myself and talked myself in, and out of leaving. I tried to convince God that it wasn’t time. I told God, “If I teach one more year, it will pay back my Teach Grant, and if I teach two more years, 17.5k of my loans will be paid back by the government”. I thought to myself, there’s no rush in leaving, my dreams can wait. And part of that is true, your dreams can wait, but your purpose and destiny can not. The longer you prolong your purpose, you are prolonging the people you are assigned to help. Someone is waiting on you to be great, so that you can open up a door for them. NOTHING that we go through is for us, it’s for the people we are assigned to help.

My job continued to challenge me and display open injustices against me. I felt like I didn’t belong there anymore. I turned in my resignation letter in late January, informing my principal that I would finish the school year, but that I had no intentions on returning the following year. I was so nervous. What did I just do? It was time. I prayed, and even bargained with God that if he would show me a sign that this is what I was suppose to be doing, then I wouldn’t question him again. I promised that I will follow his will for my life, but I needed to see a concrete sign. And I don’t know if you’ve ever asked God to show you a sign…but God is a bit of an over achiever, so he doesn’t just send you one sign, he sends you multiple signs.

 A few months past, and to no surprise, doors began to open for my program. I received emails about partnering from companies that I had emailed months ago; and I received phone calls about possible grants for my program, all within one week. God was showing up, and showing out for me. But then fear kicked in again. I asked, “Well God, what about money? Where will the money come from to sustain my family’s needs.” The following week we received a check in the mail from our insurance company. It supposedly was sent to the wrong address two months prior to arriving at our home. I don’t know about you, but I serve an on-time GOD! We had no idea that we were receiving back pay from our insurance. I am too spiritual to believe in coincidence, I know that our time isn’t God’s time, and the things that we worry about, he already has in control. The bricks were slowly but surely following in place, but it would be up to me to follow the yellow brick road.

Stay tuned for what happened next.

A FEnomenal Journey: Beneath the Paint

A journey through life, love, and leadership.

Life truly has its way of showing you who’s boss. Just when you think you’ve identified your purpose in life, another door opens. I am Felecia Frayall, a Jacqueline of many trades, and a master of most. I’ve decided to start a blog to share some of my most inner fears, failures and successes. For those who know me personally, the picture may seem to have been painted perfectly, but if you look a little closer, the brush used, applied much pressure to my canvas. And with every stroke of gentleness or aggression, the final product produced greatness. Now it’s time to reveal the true craftmanship behind this masterpiece.

Who Am I?

I am a purpose seeker, a leadership queen, a passionate advocate, a mother of 3, and a wife to my soulmate. I am many things, but the one thing I am not, is a failure. Sure, I have failed at a few things in life, but I didn’t allow those failing moments to make me a failure. I am a visionary, who see’s past where I’ve been, and what I’ve been through; I simply see where I’m going, and what assignment I have to accomplish when I arrive there.  I am love, honesty, and I am perfectly imperfect.

Why Blog Now?

A few years ago, God showed me a vision that scared me nearly to death. And every time I shared that vision with other believers, it would give me goose bumps and bring me to tears. At the tender age of 24, God revealed that I had a gift that most people will never receive, he gave me vision to see past my circumstances. He showed me that people all over the world would know my name. I saw myself speaking before thousands of people, signing autographs, and publishing books. Inside of me I hold hundreds of testimonies, childhood stories, relationship advice, parenting successes and failures, steps to leadership, journeys through faith and spirituality, and so much more that I am willing to share with you! And although years have passed since God revealed the greatness that awaits me, he tends to remind me that I AM NOT WAITING ON SUCCESS, BUT THAT SUCCESSS IS WAITING ON ME!

What can you expect from A FEnomenal Journey?

You can expect a genuine perspective on life, love, and leadership. Some articles may have you in gut busting laughter, while others have you in a corner in tears. Please know that everything I chose to share will be from my personal life and personal experiences that have shaped the me into the person I am today. So, I will dig deep to rediscover the things that caused hurt, and or motivated me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. As I explore this journey, I hope that you would read along and encourage others to read about this FEnomenal Journey!

Signing off until next time,

Felecia Frayall